Jyväskylä Monster Dog Shows - NORD
Abysmal This Bitch Is A Rock StarTulosERIArvostelu
Well proportioned with length fo height ratio. Nice lean cheeks. Good angles front and rear. Moving away she is a little bit close. Coat weather resistant. Would not like to see her ger any deeper on the chest.
Wizardling's Girl Like YouTulosERI SAArvostelu
Pleasing type, would like her to be a little bit longer otherwise can see her great workman like abilities. Nice widge shaped head. Shallow stop. Well placed ears. She is nice and flexible with free standing movement and weather resistant coat.
Termiitin Kettumainen MatkaajaTulosERI 3 SAArvostelu
Correct body proportions. Correct head proportions. Can see she has great wonrering character. I would like a little bit more angulation in the rear. However she does portray free standing ground covering movement. Coat is weather resistant.
Termiitin Kettumainen HankiTulosERI 2 SAArvostelu
Nice type bitch. Nice widge shaped head. Can see she can do a days work. Good angels front and rear. Not too deep on the chest. Nice thick skin. Free standing action.
Piristeen Sata SalamaaTulosERI 4 SAArvostelu
Pleasing type. Correct height to body proportions. Head correct proportions with lean cheeks. Sufficient neck. Sufficient angulation. I would like her a little bit move agile on the move. Correct weather resistant smooth coat.
Nimetön LassieTulosERI 1 SA JUN-SERTI VA-SERTI JUN-VSPArvostelu
Pleasing type. Can see her agile abilities. Well proportioned head. Nicely pleaced ears. Good angles front and rear. Free standing action. Very flexible. Weather resistant coat.
Meluavan TähtisadeTulosERIArvostelu
A little bit too square. The head is well proportioned with lean cheeks and spanns well. Free standing movement. Stands a little close in the hocks whitch is evident on the move.
Watercreek's Dancing RoswellTulosERI 2 SAArvostelu
Very pleasing type. Unfortunately the doors very opened behind him. Once he was on the table and made him afraid. Correct head. Correct body proportions. Good length on ribbing. Spanned well. Free standing ground covering movement.
Termiitin Kettumainen KaskiTulosERI 4Arvostelu
Tall up to size male. Can see he very agile. Nice and clean on sides of his head. He is spanned well and nice and suttle. Stands a little bit close in the hocks and has nice free gait.
Mindhunter UndercoverTulosEHArvostelu
A little bit too square. Head of good proportions. Neck could be longer. Good span. The coat is of correct texture. He is standing close in the hocks. Whitch is abvious when he moves away. I would like to see a little bit more workman like character.
Celoco Touch of MagicTulosERI 3 SAArvostelu
Well balanced. Cheeks are a little bit full. He is well angulated front and behind. Possible a little bit too deep in his chest for his age. When he was spanned was a little bit too much. Can see that he can do a days work. Supple and agile.
Abysmal Golden Rock StarTulosERI 1 SA JUN-SERTI VASERTI JUN-ROPArvostelu
Nice size. Parson workman qualities. Correct head proportions. Well placed ears. Nice and flexible. Chest not too deep. Good bend of stifle. He is spanned well. Good coat texture. Desired undercoat. Covered ground well on the move.
Karvahaalarin Piece Of CakeTulosERI 1 SA PN 4 ROP-VETArvostelu
Very working like. Good head proportions, Very alert and attentive. Good length of neck. I find a little bit short on the back. Good angles front and reat. Good ribbing. Skin is thick and loose and coat is weather resistant.
Abysmal Steady Rock StarTulosERI 1 SA PN 3Arvostelu
Well proportioned head. Good height of length ratio. Nice widge shaped head. Flexible body. Free striding movement. Coat weather resistant.
Mindhunter Ready Steady GoTulosERI 2 SA PU 2 NORD-VARAArvostelu
Good workman like terrier. Good head proportions. Ears a little bit eratic. Correct length of height proportions. Correct weather resistant coat. Moved with ground covering gait.
Junior Top RussellTulosERI 1 SA PU 1 NORD-SERTI VSPArvostelu
Very pleasing workman like terrier with correct proportions. Cas see he is very agile and snapple. Spanns well. Weather resistant coat. Excells on the move. Free ground covering side gait.
Abysmal Already SteadyTulosERI 3 SA PU 4Arvostelu
A smaller size male. Still potraying workman like qualities. Well proportioned head. A little bit deep on the chest. Free standing movement. Good weather resistant coat.
Tammenkolon ZalandoTulosERI 1 SAArvostelu
Nice size, pleasing head proportions. orrect muzzle to skull ratio and nice widge shape. Good angles front and bahind. Chest not too deep. Good ribbing. Free striding ground covering gait. Tail could be less coat.
Tammenkolon ZoolanderTulosERI 1 SAArvostelu
Workman like appearance. Need slightly longer than height. Cheeks nice and flat. Neck of sufficent lenght. Spanned well. Well angulated in the rear a little straight in the front. Ground covering movement. A little bit wide coming toward.
Meu Amor's SymphonyTulosERI 1 SA PN 2 SERTI NORD-VARAArvostelu
Well balanced with correct head to body ratio. Head is well proportioned with nice clean cheeks. Well angulated front and rear. Good spann and nice and flexible. Free on the move. Correct weather resistant coat.
Klainon LumimarjaTulosERI 2 SAArvostelu
Workman like femala with good head proportions. Fair length of neck. Sufficient angles front and rear. She is a little bit deep in the body and a little bit wide on the spann. Smooth easy movement.
Tammenkolon Hulluuden HighwayTulosEH 2Arvostelu
Very sound, free moving. Good body proportions. Just look a little bit of breed type in the head and expression. The muzzle is too long and the ears are too high placed almost erect.
Mindhunter Kiss'n TellTulosERI 1 SA PU 3 SERTI FIMVAArvostelu
Well balanced. Portraying agileness. Maintaining substance and endurance. Nice widge shaped head. Good weather resistent coat. Flexible strong in the loins. Free standing movement. A little close in the rear going away.
Rambling ArwenTulosERI 1 SA PN 1 NORD-SERTI ROPArvostelu
Very pleasing type with good body proportions. Angle with workman like qualities. Good angles front and behind. Flexible with nice tenght skin. Free standing movement. Good weather resistant coat.
Kenkku TutkapariTulosEH 2Arvostelu
Smooth coated with good head proportions. Nice cheeks. Well length of neck. She spanns well. She is a little bit arched in the topline and stands a little bit close in ghe cocks. A little bit deep in the chest.
Tairngire Red Storm WarningTulosERI 1 SAArvostelu
Top size. Can he is workman like ability. Good body proportions. Wits good amount of length. Good angels. He spanns a little bit pig. Good ground covering movement.
Arbor Vitae CaerusTulos1 KP ROP-PENTUArvostelu
Good working type, with good head, muzzle too length to skull proportions. A little bit full in the cheeks. Ears well placed. Neck of sufficent length. Flexible on his body. Sufficient bend of stiffle. Coat a little bit too soft. Good size.