Kuopio KV Sawo Show 2022
Abysmal Steady Rock StarTulosERI 2 SA PN 2 VACACIBArvostelu
Excellent in type, very nice topline. Correct size. Strong feminine head. Very nice dark eye. Correct ears. Very well angulated in rear. Good energetic movement.
Abysmal Nordic StarTulosERI 4Arvostelu
Excellent size. Strong back, feminine head. Little bit light ears. Correct bite. Very well angulated rear. Soft coat. Little bit light front pasterns in movement.
Abysmal Northern StarTulosEHArvostelu
Beautiful dark eyes, compact body. Very well angulated rear. Feminine head. Little bit light ears. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Today had not the happy tail.
Sopravento EmilyTulosERI 1 SA PN 1 CACIB VSPArvostelu
Very nice elegant female. Beautiful neck. Strong back. Very well angulated rear. Parallel front. Nice feminine head. Correct bite. Excellent parallel movement.
Tusiquevales Easy Pease Lemon SquezzyTulosERI 3 SA PN 3Arvostelu
Very nice topline. Elegant neck. Very well angulated rear. Nice feminine head, dark eyes. Correct bite. Little bit wide in front also in the movement. Excellent coat, compact body.
Watercreek's Adamantem PrincepsTulosERIArvostelu
Excellet compact body. Strong back. Medium long neck. Correct tailset. Very well angulated rear. Correct muzzle to skull proportion. Pigment in rims must be better. Correct bite. Energetic movement.
Watercreek's Cool CloudberryTulosERIArvostelu
Very nice general conformation, good balance. Parallel front. Excellent front. Feminine head. Light rims. Correct bite. Good coat. Good show condition, good movement.
Abysmal We Have A WinnerTulosERI 4 SAArvostelu
Little bit high size with strong bones. Beautiful silhouette with very nice proportions. Nice topline, elegant neck. Nice head. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Excellent coat. Parallel movement. Excellent step.
Abysmal Already SteadyTulosERI 2 SA PU 3 VACACIBArvostelu
Excellent size. Very nice topline. Strong back. Excellent tailset. Very well angulated rear. Nice head, strong muzzle. Good proportions with the skull. Dark eyes. Parallel movement.
Junior Top RussellTulosERIArvostelu
Good masculine head, dark eyes. Little bit small ears. little bit open rear angulations. Little bit light hocks and front pasterns in movement.
Karvahaalarin If I Had YouTulosERIArvostelu
Strong back, very nice neck. Strong croup and withers. Excellent set and carried tail. Very well angulated rear. Very nice head. Correct bite. Deep chest, good ribcage. Good energetic movement.
Mindhunter Hidden TreasureTulosERI 1 SA PU 2 CACIBArvostelu
Beautiful eyes. Good ears. Correct bite, level strong back. Correct set and carried tail. parallel front and hocks. Deep chest, nice topline in the movement.
Mindhunter Ready Steady GoTulosERI 3 SAArvostelu
Good size, strong back. correct bite, excellent topline. Medium high set and carried tail. Excellent coat in very nice show condition. Could be more rear angulation. Good shoulders. Parallel front.
Parkpoint Peach MojitoTulosERIArvostelu
Masculine head, nice eyes. Correct bite, strong back. Medium rear angulations. Deep chest. Correct tail. Excellent coat. Good parallel movement.
Maitomiehen Je Jessica JonesTulosEHArvostelu
Good topline, level strong back. Deep chest, excellent tailset. Excellent rear angulations. Dark eyes, correct ears. Correct bite. Excellent parallel front, good coat. Little bit shy.
Maitomiehen Wn Scarlet WitchTulosEHArvostelu
Little bit high size. Good topline. Low set and carried tail. Could be more rear angulations. Feminine head. Small ears. Excellent eyes, correct bite. Little bit short step.
Mindhunter Hidden DiamondTulosEHArvostelu
Excellent in size. Very nice neck. Strong withers. Excellent shoulder. Parallel front. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Broken backline. Open rear angulations. Wide movement. French front feet.
Mindhunter Just Wait'n SeeTulosERI 2 SA SERTIArvostelu
Nice head. Correct ears. Could be more rim colour/pigment. Nice topline. Good neck. Very well angulated rear. Parallel front. Good power from behind.
Scotstyles Salt Of The EarthTulosEHArvostelu
Good feminine head. Correct set and carried ears. Correct bite. Compact short body with short loin. Little bit leggy. Open rear angulation. Good coat but could be in better show condition. Little bit wide in front movement.
Tallitontun SupervoimiiTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Good size, could be more chest. Strong back. Correct rear angulation. Too much air under the dog. Parallel front. Correct bite. Beautiful dark eyes.
Wizardling's ElektraTulosERI 1 SA PN 4Arvostelu
Nice head, beautiful topline. Strong back, excellent rear angulations. Good parallel front. Little bit strong ribcage for this size. Correct set and carried ears. Strong muzzle, correct bite. Good coat and structure. Little bit closet hocks. Open elbows in movement.
Wizardling's Wonder WomanTulosERI 4Arvostelu
Good size, little bit light front pasterns. Medium rear angulations. Little bit light in back. Round croup. Nice feminine head. Too light eyes. Excellent ears. Correct bite. Parallel movement.
Maitomiehen EssentialTulosERIArvostelu
Feminine head, correct ears. Correct bite, medium long neck. Level strong back. Parallel front.
Maitomiehen Je DaredevilTulosERI 2 SAArvostelu
Strong bones. Good parallel front. Very well angulated rear. Medium long neck. Masculine head. Strong muzzle. Correct bite. Correct ear setting. Good coat. Could be little bit more chest. Parallel movement.
Suzan's Pride RitzTulosERI 1 SA PU 4 SERTI FI MVAArvostelu
Very nice head, dark eyes. Correct ears. Correct bite. Excellent level strong back. Correct set and carried tail. Good parallel front. Medium rear angulations. Excellent movement.
Watercreek's Cool BlackberryTulosEH 4Arvostelu
Little bit high size. Strong bones. Masculine head. Excellent set and carried ears. Correct bite. Very well angulated rear. Medium high set tail. Little bit long croup. Little bit round loin line.
Villikujan Kova PaekkaTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Good topline. Deep Chest. Correct set and carried tail. Very well angulated rear, parallel front. Correct bite. Correct set and carried ears. Good coat but need more grooming.
Arbor Vitae VenusTulosERI 4Arvostelu
Good proportions. Nice topline. Parallel front. Excellent rear. Correct bite. Little bit close behind.
Karvahaalarin Cherry BombTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Nice head, excellent ears. Strong back. Parallel front. Excellent coat. Good movement.
Karvahaalarin Piece Of CakeTulosERI 1 SA ROP-VETArvostelu
Excellent balance. Strong back. Medium long neck. Good parallel front. Very well angulated rear. Nice head. Correct bite. Strong ribcage. Excellent coat. Good movement.
Maitomiehen InsigniaTulosERIArvostelu
Little bit big size. Excellent rear. Very good strong back. Deep chest. Nice head. Good movement.
Red Rock I Vonna Be A Rock StarTulosERI 2Arvostelu
Compact body nice topline. Little bit wide parallel front. Excellent rear. Good expression. Nice coat. Very nice movement.
Maitomiehen Mr BeanTulosERI 1 SA VET-VSPArvostelu
Good size, parallel front. Level strong back. Excellent set and carried tail. Excellent coat but needs little bit more grooming.
AbysmalTulos1 KP ROP-KASVArvostelu
Very nice homogen group with similar heads, nice expressions, similar compact bodies, good coats.
Akmeeliuksen Le ChefTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Little bit high size. Masculine strong head. Excellent coat. Could have little bit more chest and fore chest. Beautiful dark eyes. Correct bite, medium long neck. Correct set and carried ears. Need more education for the show.
Akmeeliuksen LuckyTulosERI 2Arvostelu
Good size and proportions. Strong back, short croup. Could be little bit more rear angulation. Nice head. Excellent expression. Correct bite. Excellent coat.
Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission MidirTulosERI 1 SA PU 1 ROP-JUN ROPArvostelu
Excellent size, good topline. Strong back. Correct set and carried tail. Good front. Little bit light front pasterns. Very well angulated. Very nice head. Good dark eyes. Well set and carried ears. Good bite. Good coat. Needs more grooming. Excellent movement.
Piristeen Sata SalamaaTulosEH 2Arvostelu
Feminine head, little bit narrow muzzle. Correct bite. Needs more chest. Little bit open rear angulations. Low set and carried tail.
Rambling ArwenTulosERI 1 SA JUN-VSPArvostelu
Excellent proportions. Parallel front. Strong back. Very well angulated rear. Nice head. Dark eyes. Strong muzzle. Correct bite. Good movement.
Wizardling's Fabulous FinnTulosERI 1 SAArvostelu
Good size. Compact body. Little bit broken backline. Correct tail, medium rear angulation. Nice head. Beautiful dark eyes. Correct bite. Excellent coat. Nice neck. Good parallel movement.
Arbor Vitae HekateTulosERI 2Arvostelu
Little bit long legs. Very nice dark eye. Correct bite. Small feminine head. Level strong back. High set and carried tail.
Tallitontun EileanTulosERI 1Arvostelu
Excellent coat. Excellent rear angulations. Feminine head. Little bit heavy ears. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Little bit convex and sloping croup. Medium long neck.
Maitomiehen Wn IronmanTulosEHArvostelu
High size. strong bones. Strong masculine skull. Not symmetrical ears, the left is a rose ear. Correct bite. Strong back. Correct tail setting. Correct rear angulations. Little bit close behind in movement.
Feliz Navidad Di SopraventoTulos1 KP ROP-PENTUArvostelu
Very nice proportions. Beautiful topline. Beautiful head, dark eyes. Correct bite. Excellent parallel front. Very well angulations. Rear correct coat. Very nice parallel hocks and front. Very promising.