Eukanuba Summer Show 2017
Tuomari Nemanja Jovanovic, Serbia
Scream Cracker's Chip 'N' DaleTulosERI 1 SA PU 3Arvostelu
Correct type, very good proportions. Nice head. Nice neck and chest. Strong topline. Slightly steep upperarm. Correct tail. Good coat. Correct temperamentand movement.
Parsonian Fannie Sperry SteelTulosERI 1 SA PN 1 CACIB ROPArvostelu
Excellent type. Needs more bones. Good proportions. Lovely head and expression. Very nice neck and chest. Correct topline. Slightly steep upper arm. Good tail. Correct rear. Good coat condition. Free movement.
Ani Slippery's AdalminaslipperyTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Correct type. Feminine head, needs better expression and shorter muzzle. Good neck and chest. Short upperarm. A bit soft topline. Correct rear. Slightly steep croup. Needs better movement.
Abysmal Rock RoseTulosERI 2Arvostelu
Correct type. Slightly high and longish. Very nice head. Good neck. Steep shoulder. Soft topline. Steep croup. Slightly lower tailset. Good rear. Good coat quality but needs better grooming.
Ani Slippery's AarreglattTulosERI 2 SA PU 4Arvostelu
Correct type and proportions. Nice head. Excellent chest. A bit steep shoulder. Good topline. Needs more angulations in rear. Good coat. Needs more drive.
Tallitontun Nais WayTulosERI 1Arvostelu
Correct type. Slightly longish. Feminine head. Enough good pigmentations of eyerings. Elegant neck. Good chest. Needs more angulations. Soft topline. Good coat. Needs better movement.
Tairngire Dazzling DewTulosEH 3Arvostelu
Correct type. Slightly longish. Feminine head. Enough good pigmentations of eyerings. Elegant neck. Good chest. Needs more angulations. Soft topline. Good coat. Needs better movement.
Lamun GertrudTulosEH 2Arvostelu
Correct type. Slightly longish. Feminine head. Needs wider jaws. Good neck and chest. A bit free in elbows. Needs more angulations. Needs better coat condition.
Tairngire Drop Of DewTulosERI 1Arvostelu
Very good type. Slightly longer. Needs to improve in temperament. Needs more self confidence. Very nice head. Lovely neck and chest. Well angulated. A bit long in loin. Excellent coat. Very good in movement. I recommend more training, because he is quality dog.
Roky Vlci PotokTulosHArvostelu
Correct type and proportions. Good head, enough good stop. Nice neck. Steep shoulder. Needs better topline. Steep rear. Needs better rear movement. Good coat.
Mahottoman HallanvaaraTulosERI 2Arvostelu
Good type and proportions. Correct head and pigment. Good neck. A bit heavy chest. Strong topline. Good rear. Good coat. Free in movement.
Lamun Ikosen AnsaTulosEH 2Arvostelu
Correct type. Feminine head. Could be wider in muzzle. Deep chest. Steep shoulder. Correct topline. A bit steep croup. Slightly lower tailset. Good coat. Enough good movement.
Abysmal Polar StarTulosERI 1Arvostelu
Excellent type. Could have more legs. Nice neck and head. A bit steep in upperarm. Enough strong topline. Slightly steep croup. Good rear. Correct coat quality.
Lamun Irwin GoodmanTulosERI 1 SA PU 1 SERTI CACIB VSPArvostelu
Excellent type. Very good condition. Nice head. Excellent neck and chest. Strong topline. Well angulated. Good coat and movement.
Abysmal Starlight ExpressTulosERI 3Arvostelu
Correct type. Good proportions. Good head. Nice neck. A bit free in elbows. Enough strong topline. A bit step croup. Good coat quality, but needs better condition. Needs more drive. Needs smaller ears.
Abysmal Starfish To Pearch HillTulosERI 2 SA PU 2 V-SERTI V-CACIBArvostelu
Correct type. Good proportions. Nice head. Excellent neck and chest. Needs better topline. Well angulated with good movement. Good coat quality.
Still Top Of LegendTulosEH 1Arvostelu
Correct type. Good proportions. Still in developing. Needs better head expression with darker eyes and better stop. Good neck and chest. Correct topline. Steep in front and rear angulations. Needs better drive.